How to get a working visa in Vietnam from January 1, 2015?
The work visa for Vietnam rules have changed dramatically since January 1, 2015 under the new Vietnam Law on Immigration. Therefore, from January 2015 onward it will no longer be possible to enter Vietnam on non-work status with the purpose of filing a work permit, and remaining in-country once issued.
After taking a new Labor code and decree on the management of foreign workers in Vietnam in 2013, the Vietnamese National Assembly has now approved a new immigration law that will come into effect on January 1, 2015.
Accordingly, the work-related visa categories are classified:
• DN – applicable to foreign workers who will work with the Vietnamese company, valid for up to 12 months (no work permit required). More about
DN Vietnam visa.
• LĐ – applicable to the foreigner employees coming to work in Vietnam based on a contract between a foreign employer and a Vietnamese company, valid for up to 2 years;
• NN2 and NN3 – applicable for company heads and other staff, respectively, of representative offices in Vietnam, valid for up to 3 years.
The other work-related visa types include separate visas for managers of NGOs (NN1 – up to 12 months), journalists (PV1 and PV2, for longer term and short term assignments, both valid for up to 12 months) and for foreign investors and foreign lawyers practicing in Vietnam (ĐT, up to 5 years). Note that a work permit is still required in combination with all of these mentioned visas.
While the in-country change of status from tourism or business to work was previously commonplace, the new law does not seem to allow such a conversion anymore. Therefore, from January 2015 onward it will no longer be possible to enter Vietnam on non-work status with the purpose of filing a work permit, and remaining in-country once issued.
Rather, the employee should first apply for a work permit and, upon its issuance, obtain the appropriate visa to enter the country. This process can take 1 to 2 weeks from date of application at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Immigration Department by the sponsoring entity in Vietnam. Depending on the nationality and home country of the employee, the visa can then be collected either at the Vietnam Embassy or Consulates in the employee’s home country or at arrival airports.
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