Vietnam visa requirements for Albanian
Providing free tools that anyone can check to make sure if the citizens of Albania do need a visa to Vietnam or not; also giving the instructions on how to get the Vietnam visa from Albania or from any countries.
Vietnam immigration policies regulated that
almost resident of the countries must have Vietnam visa prior to
arriving Vietnam, except the citizens in the Vietnam visa exemption list. You
should check carefully if you are in the Vietnam visa exemption list
or you are obligated to make a Vietnam visa (or visa approval letter) before
entering country. It will keep you away from
many troubles during your entry.
Is Vietnam visa required for Albanian citizens?
"Yes, Albanian citizens do need a visa to enter Vietnam"

(Visa approval letter for Albanian processed by Vietnam visa DEPT)
Visa is one of the many things for which Albanian citizens
need to prepare before
traveling to Vietnam.
"Vizave është vetëm një nga shumë gjëra për të cilat ju do të përgatisin para se të udhëtoni Vietnamin. Vietnam politikat e imigracionit rregullohet se pothuajse banorët nga vendet duhet të keni Vietnamit vizë para se të hyjnë Vietnamin, përveç shtetasve të vendeve të vizave të përjashtuara. Ju jeni të kënaqur që të kontrolloni nëse ju jeni Vietnam qytetarët e vizave përjashtohen ose ju janë të obliguar të kenë vizë apo letër Vietnam Vietnam miratim para mbërritjes Vietnamin. Kjo do të ju mbajë larg nga problemet e shumta gjatë hyrjes tuaj."
From Albania, the applicants may apply for Vietnam visa by 3 options:
- Getting a Vietnam e-visa: From August 15th, 2023 all the nationalities including Albanian are eligible for maximum 90 days multiple entry Vietnam e-visa. With a Vietnam e-visa, the foreigners now can travel Vietnam via airports, land border gates or seaports. Vietnam e-visa can be arranged within 1 working days, 4 working hours or 2 working hours to satisfy your Vietnam entry needs anytime.
- Getting a visa on arrival: If your e-visa application is denied at the last minutes, you can apply for Vietnam visa on arrival and get a visa approval letter within 4 working hours in a rush situation. However, Vietnam visa on arrival is applicable for those who enter Vietnam via airports only. See more
how it works.
When applying for Vietnam visa on arrival,
there is NO document and original passport required. The applicants just need to provide the visa information by filling in the
online application form with full name, gender, date of birth, nationality and passport number. A letter of approval issued by the Vietnam Immigration Department will be
delivered via email at a given time.
- Getting a Vietnam visa from
Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in Albania and it takes 3 - 5 working days
Required documents for Vietnam Embassy visa application include original passport, application form attached with 1 photo and visa fees.

If you have any further queries, comments or feedback, please kindly
call us by +84-912-685-141 or send an email to We are happy to assist you at our best.
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